Friday, July 07, 2006




300X1--PB RAW
225x5 paused
135x10 close grip
135x15 wide

Well, the 300 was a little hard--no pause and a very quick touch and go. It was difficult, but a new PB anyway. I also did a lot of lat pull downs. I'm trying not to push the whole dead lift routine. My back finally feels better. I think sunday may be my last dead day until the comp. (which is the 15th.) I'm not quite sure what do do as far as reps until the meet. I want to have 4 full days off before the comp. I may begin to jog at night to get my weight down a little. I'm at a very solid 183.5---I have to make 181.5--Two pounds doesn't seem that bad. Let me know what you guys think about reps or just doing more speed work. I don't want to get hurt before the comp.

To be honest Lou, if you did deadlift on sunday I would only do an opener or 80% of your projected max. You won't get any stronger 3 weeks out from a meet but you can get weaker! Good luck and white lights to you!
Nice job on your 1st raw 300, Lou! I agree with Mike, except that I'd scrap the idea of deadlifting again and make sure you get 5 full days of rest before the meet. If the meet is on the 15th, then make your last benching workout on the 10th... rest up and get strong.
Good luck!
Don't deadlift, Lou, like John said. Even speed work at this juncture won't improve anything. Maybe go over your form in your head and be ready to pull your best. Good job on the bench, and good luck at the meet.
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