Thursday, June 22, 2006




275X1 RAW
315X1 Shirt on and with 3 sec pause
275x1 raw
135x10 close grip--8 inches
135x10 c.g.--8 in

Also did: Barbell curls, overhead tri's--incline db tri's

Well, I think i'm going to open my comp up with 315. It's getting to be really easy now. I had it sit there for a while today. I didn't want to go any heavier with no lift off. I'm afraid i'll hurt my shoulder again. I want to be careful before the comp. So far i'm thinking for the comp:
315----330----then maybe 340 or 350. I have to see on the last attempt. When should I max out before the comp. One week before? Two? Not really sure. I'm thinking 10 days before.

First, attempt 315 because you saw today that you caould do that easily. A week before the meet, do two boards for a 3-RM and light work of all else, that weight can be your second attempt. Take those two numbers and feel into account to decide rep number 3.
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