Friday, June 09, 2006





Also did side bends with 75lbs x3 sets 20reps.

The deads were all done wearing boots and standing on 35lb plates. The last 335 set felt really good. I should have went to 355 for the last set, but there is always next time. I have been going for a max so often that I thought it was time to get more lower rep work in. Well see how this work later. Last time I went with this routine my max went up 10-15 lbs. Well see! I'm really tired after this workout. I think it's cause i'm still a little sick. Later!

Good workout. I love deadlifts off plates. I use a lot of leg when I deadlift so these always feel good!
I have been using the plates to get me some extra work off the bottom. This is great, but my problem has always been the last 1/4 of the deads. I have been doing shrugs and last 1/4 deads to get this down, but I don't really know if it's working. My dead has gone up about 20-25lb's over the last month, but I get scared that when I get to comp the same shit is going to happen. EXAMPLE: last year I went for 405-it flew to the 3/4 mark and then just stopped. 2nd attempt was the same way. Everybody there said that if my last 1/4 was solid, that I could easily get 450 up. So, that's my goal. 450! Last time I tried it, I got it about 5 inches off the ground but that was it. I'm going to try again soon. I pray I can total 800 at my comp. 350bp and 450dead. Remember i'm at 180, so this is hard for me. My best so far has been a 710. Well see.
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