Wednesday, June 07, 2006




315X1 With pause and bench shirt on
325x1 NEW PB---With pause and BS on
240x9 raw

Also did front and rear lat pulls down-overhead tri's and curls.

Well, today was a mental killer. I didn't feel 100% strong on the bench. However, I was able to get a new PB with the 325. To be honest it really wasn't that difficult. The thing that kills me are two things. One, having to lift the weight off myself. Two, I was so out of it that I lift the weight up and then wait about 10 secs until I actually begin the lift. The pause was good and the weight went up easily. I'm thinking that I may have 335 in me right now if everything was at a meet. My arms are soooo tired today. I'm really gonna work my ass off until this July 15th meet. On anther note: I made it to a doctor today. He said my stomach pain and shits are from either a bacteria or ulcer. I have to take meds until Friday. If i'm not better I have to go for a colonoskpe. I know I just totally spelled that work wrong. I don't give a shit cause I got my new PB today. Yeah for me.

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