Wednesday, May 03, 2006



5/3/06 BENCH

315X1---NOTES----PB BABY!
235X8 raw
205x8 paused -with a very quick blast up.

Thanks to John I can now actually bench and go heavy. I decided to put on my Titan F6 sz44 and go for a max. I warmed up and put the first 295 up. I brought it down, very unsteady and didn't really pause long enough. I went for it again. Brought it down slow and then slamed up it. It was fairly easy. I then put 315 on (at last comp, I couldn't get this up at all). I made my arch nice and high and compacted my shoulder down and in. It came down nice and slow. I let it sit on my chest for at least a good two count and then pushed it all the way. To be honest, this felt very good. It was difficult about a 6 out of 10. I think I had 325 or 330 in me, but I would rather wait a few more weeks. Why max out 4 times in one session! Here's the thing. I have no doubt in my mind that the 315 would have been all white in comp. This will make me push my training even harder. What's next? I'm thinking a raw goal of 290x3 and a size 48 bench shirt of 305x4 would be real nice. Time period will be 40 days from today.

good job on the PR!!! are you doing any other accessory type work i.e tri's, lats, etc...
yeah, I forgot to post my other movement. I do a lot of extra tri work after. Close grip bench--Over head standing dumb bell tri extentsions. Front and rear lat pull downs. Then i'll do stand tri extensions with about 70 lbs on a curls bar.
Looks like all the extra tricep work is paying off!
Nice strong 1Rm for a 181#er
I owe my new pb's to john. It's nice to lift and not have to worry about a spotter.
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