Wednesday, April 12, 2006



4/12/06 SQUAT

225X10 RAW
265X7 WITH wraps
225x10 wraps
225x10 wraps
155x10 raw
155x10 raw

I decided that i'm going to try and squat twice a week. The squat is my worst lift (I think anyway) so I think it needs some extra work. I think I'll do one heavy day (like above) and a 2nd day of 135 to 155 of reps of 10 for 5 sets. This will give me a little extra work, but not tax my CNS. What do you guys think? My shoulder is still a little stiff, but I have been doing extra work for that. The one alberto posted for me. Well that's it. I didn't want to lift today, but still got myself out there. So, i'm happy.

Squatting twice a week is a good idea, as long as you do as you planned and keep it light on the second day.
On the heavier day, I would do more low-rep work. Stick to sets of 5 reps or less, including warmups.
I think John is correct. I would do even less reps, try something like reps of 2 for 8 sets. Make sure they are fast and powerful. Or on your second day do deadlifts or box squat. Again just a few reps that are fast and powerful.
The second day can be speed work or submaximal effort work. I would even consider two different squat movements to mix it up. Right now, two days of squatting is tough but one day feeds off the other, and it keeps getting better.
I have to try something to get my DL up quicker. I think more squat days could help. Like I said my legs are weak and this should help. I think I'll do the 2x8 system, but what weight should I use?
On heavy day, work up to a heavy 2RM, 3RM, or 5RM. Start with 50% of your current squat 1RM and work your way up. Take all safety precautions.

Your second day, can either be a dynamic effort day or submaximal effort day. If dynamic, 50-60% of your squat 1RM for 8 sets of 2, followed by 8 singles in the DL using similar percentages. Make a conscious effort to squat as explosive as possible in good form.

If submaximal, here's a template I use. I basically took The Prilepin Bench Program, turned down the percentages, and tried to stick with Prilepin's guidelines for reps at each percentage. The weight's might not challenge you but that's not the point here. Use this day to work on form and technique. It will improve your squat but not break your CNS:

1.) Squats
Wk1: 72% 1rm for 4 sets of 5
Wk2: 75% 1rm for 3 sets of 6
Wk3: 63% 1rm for 5 sets of 5
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