Sunday, March 26, 2006



3/26/06 BENCH

230x8 Personal Best
245x5 PB
255x3 PB

Ok, I have very slow speed coming up on these sets. They all look like they are the last rep. However, I have enough power to keep going another rep, and another, ect..... I think I may have a very slight tear in my right bi. It doesn't hurt that much, but coming up there is no explosion on my reps-just power. I went to do my bi curls--I usually do 70-80lbs for 10-15 reps. Today after benching I put on 50 and had a hard time doing my 10 reps. So, i'm going to try and stay away from heavy weights for a while and just work on speed. This will give my tri's a little rest and maybe get me some speed off the bottom. I don't feel good benching, but I still go personal best in three differt bench rep/weights. So, I'm benching better, but don't feel 100%. Weird!
Also did front and rear lat pull downs. Overhead tri's--curls. Wide grip bench.

A break from the heavier weights sounds like a good plan, Lou...
Rest that bicep and let it heal.
Nice benching, by the way.
I second that. Nice going on the PBs.
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