Thursday, March 16, 2006



3/16/05 DEADS
Shrugs 225x20reps then 25reps.
I said last week that I would go up 5 lbs on the dead--I thought maybe go up 10 lbs. Well, I did get all of my sets/reps in for the 325. The first two sets were fairly easy-the last was pure hell. I'm still going to go up 5 lbs on my next dead day. I plan on stoping once I hit the 375 mark. This 325x5 was my highest 5 rep set that I have ever done. I think if I only had to go for one set of 5 I may be able to get 350, but why not just stick with the plan. My back is really tired after todays, workout.

Five sets of two
3 sets of 3 ect....
Can you tell me what you would suggest for the weight/reps with a 415 max dl? I'm not quite sure what to do here. You can see my lifts in the DL. Can you recommend something?
Thanks for the input.
Start at 50% 1RM and decide whether you want to use sets of 5 or 3. Work your way up to a 3 or 5RM in good form, then walk away. Next workout, beat it if you can. Simple.

Sometimes, too many reps in a set isn't the perfect way to build up to a max because only heavy weights challenges the CNS and builds limit strength. Heavy weights also requires more force production and coordination to lift and with high reps, you are essentially saving yourself to finish the set. Too many reps may make your max closer to a 5 or 6 RM than it should be. If you're worried about your conditioning, which you seem to have to do that many reps in a workout, adjust your volume to match it . . . to a point.

Just my 2 cents.
Tell you what. I think I may put some extra weight on this week and go for a 3 rep max. Maybe go for a light 1rm.
Thanks alberto
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